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How Cold Is Too Cold to Run Outside?


When I signed up for that spring marathon, I envisioned myself at the end of a breezy race day: exhausted, victorious, and comfortable in weather-appropriate leggings and a tee shirt. What I failed to consider then, and what I am reckoning with now, is the reality of marathon training...

Who Will Get Long COVID? Study May Offer Clues


A blood test may someday help determine a person’s risk for long COVID, new research suggests.

The study, published Tuesday in the journal Nature Communications, found that people who go on to develop long Covid have lower levels of certain antibodies in their blood soon after they are infected...

Here’s What Happens To Your Mood When You Give Up Caffeine


There are times when caffeine is life's MVP, such as finals week in college or the first, like, five years of being a new parent. (Or, hey, 18 years...) Caffeine is known for providing a jolt of energy and focused attention. There are also other benefits, depending on the source. For example, coffee and caffeinated tea are both high in antioxidants, which benefit the brain and heart...

Here's How to Manage Your Migraines


More than just a headache, migraine is a neurological condition that can cause intense head pain along with a variety of other symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound, numbness or tingling, difficulty speaking, temporary vision loss, and seeing shapes...

Eating Habits to Look a Decade Younger


Yes, genes play a role in aging. So do lifestyle choices like whether you smoke or drink. Another factor in aging? Your diet. And if you're looking to support smoother, more hydrated skin and/or lower the risk of inflammatory conditions (which can manifest as skin problems like acne)...

How to Treat and Recover From COVID19 at Home


With the massive wave of COVID-19 infections that have happened lately, more Americans are getting sick with the virus. And, given that the Omicron variant tends to cause a more mild form of illness—particularly in people who are fully vaccinated—most people are treating their symptoms at home. Of course, that raises the very important question of how to treat COVID at home...

Want to Be a Better Runner? Use This 1 Training Tip from The Pros


You don’t need to be fast to run like the pros. In fact, top endurance athletes tend to spend most of their time training at an easy pace, according to running coach and best-selling author Matt Fitzgerald. He said it’s a consistent pattern among professional athletes in different...

How Processed Foods Cause Weight Gain


Both nutrition scientists and the public debate the relative merits of so-called healthy diets, such as vegan, paleo, and low-carb, but most experts agree on one thing: avoid ultra-processed foods and stick to a diet of whole, unprocessed foods. Ultra-processed foods contain high-fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, and artificial flavors that make...

15 Benefits of Walking That Will Make You Want to Lace Up


Walking isn’t always the quickest way to make it from point A to point B. But it’s not just about quick transport: The benefits of walking for your body and mind are numerous. So it’s not exactly a surprise that when it comes to the fastest-growing activities, it’s near the top of the list, according to new data from Strava.

In its Year in Sport 2021 report, released in December, the workout tracking app found walking was twice as popular in 2021 as it was...

How An Ab Wheel Helps With Core Strength and Overall Stability


While there are more than enough ab workouts out there to keep your core busy, nothing quite compares to the intensity of ab wheel exercises. When used correctly, an ab wheel can work several muscles simultaneously, toning your core and your arms. Not bad for such a small piece of equipment! POPSUGAR spoke with certified trainers to learn...

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