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13 Healthy Late-Night Snacks Recommended By Nutrition Experts

Let's face it: Late-night snacks get a bad rap, but sometimes, they're simply necessary. Maybe you work irregular hours or ate dinner earlier than usual. Or perhaps you had a busy day and weren't able to eat a satisfying evening meal. (Hey, it happens to the best of folks.) Even being more active than usual can amp up your appetite, resulting in seemingly random nighttime cravings.

Whatever the reason for your midnight munchies, it's essential to quell your hunger before hitting the hay. After all, hunger pangs can make it hard to sleep, not to mention cause extreme hanger come morning. Plus, you shouldn't deny yourself nourishment, no matter the hour. 

At the same time, if you must eat in the eve, it's worth choosing foods that actually support quality sleep. This includes snacks with nutrients such as fiber, healthy fats, and lean protein, all of which will keep your belly full and happy until the morning. It also involves choosing natural sources of melatonin (aka the sleep hormone) or, in some cases, compounds that turn into melatonin.

So, what are those eats, exactly? From packaged products to DIY dishes, here are some of the best healthy late-night snacks to satisfy any craving (and still help you get some sleep).

13 Healthy Late-Night Snacks Recommended By Pros


If you're craving a sweet bedtime treat, reach for a kiwi or two, as the little green fruit is full of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps manage mood and sleep-wake cycle, according to registered dietitian Samantha Cassetty, M.S., R.D. In the body, serotonin "gets converted into melatonin, the hormone that makes you drowsy," says Cassetty. They also happen to be rich in fiber, meaning that they're excellent for promoting satiety — a particularly useful perk if you're looking to stop any rumblin' and grumblin' in your stomach that might be keeping you awake. 

Unsalted Nuts

For a crunchy, satisfying, and healthy late-night snack, chow down on nuts of your choice. "Nuts contain the minerals magnesium and zinc, [which] can boost melatonin levels," explains Kiran Campbell, R.D.N. And yes, this can include all types of nuts, such as walnuts and almonds, says Campbell. But if you really want to reap the bedtime benefits provided by this type of munchie, pick up some pistachios, as they're particularly rich in melatonin. In fact, research suggests that 1 ounce (28 grams) of shelled pistachios has about 6.5 milligrams of melatonin. Additionally, the nuts contain healthy unsaturated fats, which "help tell the brain we aren't hungry," says Bess Berger, R.D.N., C.D.N., registered dietitian and founder of Nutrition by Bess.

Keep in mind, though, that the nutritional value of nuts can vary depending on the way in which the nuts are processed. For example, in general, nuts that are raw, dry-roasted, or unsalted contain less added fat and sodium than those that are salted or oil-roasted, according to the Cleveland Clinic. As for serving size? The American Heart Association recommends sticking to a small handful or 1.5 ounces of whole nuts. Alternatively, "if you don't want to think about [the exact serving], buy 100-calorie packs of unsalted nuts," suggests Berger.


For a packaged option that's ready to eat, dig into a cup of yogurt — ideally, plain yogurt to avoid added sugars — because "yogurt is a source of tryptophan, [an amino acid] that can help promote sleep," says Marissa Meshulam, M.S., R.D., C.D.N., registered dietitian and founder of MPM Nutrition. How so? Well, tryptophan turns into serotonin in the body, according to the National Center of Biotechnology Information. Serotonin, as mentioned earlier, converts into melatonin, aka the sleep-promoting hormone. "Yogurt also has a good balance of protein and carbohydrates, [which will help] keep blood sugar stable," adds Chris Henigan, M.S., R.D., L.D.N., registered dietitian and co-founder of Simple Start Nutrition. This is key because high blood sugar levels can make it difficult to snooze.

Banana and Nut Butter

This combo is a super popular recommendation among the nutrition pros interviewed — and for good reason. "Bananas contain vitamin B6, tryptophan, and melatonin," explains registered dietitian Meghan Pendleton, R.D. Vitamin B6 supports the conversion of tryptophan into serotonin, which, in turn, converts into melatonin, she adds. "Bananas also contain potassium and magnesium, which may help prevent nighttime muscle cramping and calm nerve activity." These effects can help relax the body, paving the way for better z's. Meanwhile, the nut butter offers healthy unsaturated fats (think: omega-3 fatty acids), which will keep you satiated and full. To prepare this snack, you'll need one banana and 1 tablespoon of nut butter, says Henigan. You can eat 'em separately or smear the nut butter onto the peeled banana, then cut and enjoy. 

Crackers with Cheese and Turkey Deli Meat

For a healthy late-night snack, grab a handful of crackers with cheese and turkey deli meat, suggests Charmaine Jones, M.S., R.D.N., L.D.N., registered dietitian and founder of Food Jonezi. The cheese and turkey offer tryptophan, but combining them with carbs will boost serotonin/melatonin production even further, says Jones. Turkey is also a type of lean meat, meaning it contains less fat than other cuts of meat, according to registered dietitian Elysia Cartlidge, R.D.N. This is noteworthy because "higher fat options can negatively impact your digestive system, thereby disrupting your sleep," she explains. Also, when possible, opt for low-sodium turkey, as eating too much sodium over time can lead to high blood pressure (aka a major risk factor for heart disease).

Vegetables with Hummus

Another healthy late-night snack for curing the nighttime munchies is veggies with hummus, such as PEARLS Classic Organic Hummus (Buy It, $10 for four cups, amazon.com). Specifically, Berger recommends pairing a handful of your favorite vegetables with 2 tablespoons of hummus for a delicious dose of satiating fiber, fats, and carbs. Just be careful not to chow down on too many cruciferous veggies, in particular, as their high fiber content can leave you feeling gassy and bloated — two (uncomfortable) sensations that can make drifting off to dreamland difficult. 

The post 13 Healthy Late-Night Snacks Recommended By Nutrition Experts appeared first on SHAPE.