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Side Effects of Eating Frozen Foods, According to Science


Frozen foods have gotten a pretty bad rap over the years thanks to the rise of T.V. dinners and microwaveable mac and cheese. Traditionally, freezer meals are loaded with sodium, preservatives, synthetic flavors, and other sketchy ingredients to help prolong shelf life as well as enhance flavor that's seriously lacking. So to say that most frozen meals are unhealthy is pretty accurate...

Exercise Mistakes That Can Shorten Your Lifespan, Science Says


Given the choice, would you choose to live forever? It's a question humans have been asking themselves for thousands of years, but immortality is probably better off as a fantasy. Eternal life would undoubtedly get pretty boring after the first 500 or 5,000 years. One survey of over 2,000 adults conducted by New Scientist reports that only one...

One Major Side Effect of Eating Oatmeal, Says Science


At this point, you're probably aware oatmeal can do a lot for your body. It's a good, natural, complex carbohydrate, it's full of vitamins and minerals, and it's incredibly versatile (hello, overnight oats). And yet, while there's a lot about oatmeal that we love, there's one major side effect of eating oatmeal that we can't help but point out, and that's how oatmeal can keep you feeling full for hours...

The Easiest Ways to Lower Your Cholesterol, Says Science


Ask the average Joe on the street to name the easiest ways to lower cholesterol and he'll most likely tell you to nix the eggs and the fatted calf from your supper table. He wouldn't exactly be wrong or right, and you can't really blame him.

Despite the profusion of nutrition info everywhere you look, there's still a lot of confusion about dietary cholesterol...

Should You Be Drinking Protein Water? A Registered Dietitian Weighs In


It's human nature to want our foods and drinks to do The Most. It's why we herald foods that cover several nutrient bases at once (like protein- and omega-3-rich eggs or protein- and fiber-filled beans) such healthy wins. So it makes sense that if there was a way to hydrate and meet our protein needs at the same time, it would be worth sipping on, right?

7 Surprising Fall Foods That Will Help You Sleep Better


According to the CDC, adults should get 7 or more hours of sleep each night, but due to life's stressors getting to sleep and staying asleep may not be that easy to do. With autumn's falling temperatures right around the corner, nothing may seem more appealing than a cozy evening spent in bed—so what can we do when all we want is to drift off...

How to Recognize and Treat The Symptoms of Mild, Severe, or Chronic Dehydration


Water plays a key role in nearly every system in the body from regulating temperature to cushioning joints.

Mild dehydration typically doesn't cause long-term health complications, but severe dehydration can lead to heat-related illnesses, like heat stroke, which can be fatal...

Exercise Tricks That Will Help You Slim Down Faster, Says Trainer


Here's your basic checklist if you want to slim down and get lean: You need to eat at a calorie deficit with a healthy diet, you need to do both strength training and cardio exercises, and, when you're not at the gym, you need to move around as much as possible and get in plenty of walks, which will help you burn even more fat and aid in your recovery. Also, get good sleep...

Dos and Dont's for Ab Training for Every Skill Level


When it comes to working out your whole body, abdominals are an area that a lot of people want to tackle. Though tons of magazines promise easy tricks to “flat” or “toned” abs (which prompts me to remind you: your body is not a problem to fix and shrinking it isn’t the fix-all you might believe it is), there’s a science to targeting different areas...

How to Start Working Out If You’ve Never Exercised Before


If you want to make movement a regular part of your day, you have many exercise options. But you may be unsure about how to start working out if you’ve never really exercised regularly before.

Whether you’re looking to run, ride a bike, lift weights, or do yoga, just thinking about how to start working out can feel intimidating...

Showing 81 to 90 of 93 (10 Pages)