5 Mistakes You're Making When Trying to Lose Fat and Build Muscle at the Same Time
To lose fat, you need to eat in a calorie deficit. The best way to build muscle, however, is by eating in a calorie surplus while training.
Trying to achieve both at once - known as body recomposition - is challenging, but not impossible.
Unless you're new to strength training, the likelihood...
6 Secrets to Stopping Hiccups That Actually Work
Ever get hit with a bout of the hiccups only to feel embarrassed, like they should be a thing adults are over? After all, they don’t serve any purpose at all, other than seemingly to make social situations awkward.
This theory isn’t far off from the truth — hiccups pretty much...
6 Best Types of Cardio to Improve Heart Health, Burn Calories, and Help You Lose Weight
Cardio exercises include any form of activity that causes your heart rate to increase and your breathing to quicken. They also condition your heart and lungs to work better.
Common forms of cardio include running, cycling, swimming, and walking...
How Long Is the Ideal Workout?
How do you know if you’re doing too much in the gym, or not enough? We’ve talked about how to manage the intensity of your exercise, but what about the actual time you clock during a workout? The optimal length of an exercise session depends on your goals, and on what, exactly, you’re doing...
Bored With Your Workout Routine? Here’s How to Mix It Up
After almost a year in quarantine — and experimenting with those living room workouts — chances are you’ve gotten into some sort of workout groove.
But even when you enjoy your workout routine, doing the same thing for months on end (alone in your house) is bound to get stale. Although getting into a routine...
Your Muscles Shaking During a Strength Workout Doesn’t Mean You’re Getting Stronger
Just like your mouthwash can work without that burning sensation, your muscles shaking during strength workouts isn't a prereq for getting stronger. Technically, your arms or legs feeling like Jell-O is a sign of exhaustion but that doesn't directly correlate to increasing muscle mass or upping your one-rep max. In truth, that quaking feeling can actually be an indicator that you're not giving...
Is Coconut Milk Good for You?
Even if you've never chugged coconut milk from the carton, there's a good chance you've had coconut milk before. It's one of the star ingredients of curry and other Indian food recipes, giving dishes a creamy texture and rich flavor.
It's all the rage these days, joining the ranks of almond milk, soy milk...
One Major Effect of Drinking Electrolytes, Say Experts
With all of the severe heat waves we've experienced this summer, it's vital that you're staying cool and hydrated to avoid heat-related illnesses such as heat exhaustion and heatstroke. However, water by itself isn't enough to sustain your body amid extreme temperatures—your body requires a little something extra, especially if you're active...
How to Stick to Your Health Goals — But Still Enjoy Your Weekend
When you’re on a roll health-wise, the weekends can be your toughest challenge. It’s easy to say “yes” to going out to eat with friends (and then overeating or drinking too much) or skipping a workout to attend an event or social gathering. However, there are ways to fight back against these pressures and continue to make progress when it comes...
5 of the Best Herbs for Indigestion to Grow at Home
Whether it's a celebratory meal or stress-induced, it can be easy to eat too much, or eat foods that can be harder for your body to digest, even if they're comforting to consume. Our stomachs alert us when they're being overwhelmed, often in the form of indigestion. One way to help with an upset tummy is with an herbal tea, better known...